
Well, that feels better!

Hahahaha! YES! Nothing feels better than a successful battle! How successful you ask? Well, would you consider personally collecting 130 heads from enemy archers successful? Haha!

I'm not going to say it was easy, but they definitely didn't expect to be up against someone like me. One of the guys my boys captured was saying that they were just going to fire an arrow or two at us then flee, just enough to prove to the Genji that they had turned their coats. I think he thought that giving me information like that would stay my hand or something lol! As if I care what their intentions were! Betrayers and cowards deserve a dog's death.

Oh right, so here's what happened: Basically, those guys I mentioned in my last post sailed up and shot some arrows at us. I was all like "KILL THEM ALL!!", and I grabbed a couple of my best men and a couple boats and chased those cowards all the way to Fukura Port, over in Awaji. I think they knew I was pissed, they didn't want to get anywhere near us haha!

Right, so we chase them all the way over there, and so I made land and basically just attacked the hell out of that port for basically the whole day. I know for sure we got Yoshitsugi during the fighting, and I know I personally hit Yoshihisa later on. I think he got away and slit his belly though, the coward.

Oh, I did manage to get the names of every single one of the attackers and sent the whole thing over to Fukuhara with my honorable father. So there's that too.

Tomorrow we're setting off to deal with yet more cowards. This time, its some guy named Kawano no Shiro Michinobu from Iyo who failed to answer the righteous call of the Heike to secure the throne of our rightful Emperor, His Majesty Antoku. They'll never see me coming!

For now, PARTY TIME~!

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