Ughhhhh that was a nightmare.
That Michinobu coward found some more cowards by the names of Usuki no Jiro Koretaka and Okata no Saburo Koreyoshi from Bungo, grabbed over two thousand men, then set up a serious strongpoint over at the Imagi stronghold. Are you kidding me right now guys? Do we have a single ally in this country?
Anyway, I had to get more riders to deal with those stubborn bastards. There was seriously no helping it, I had to call in reinforcements. You cant take out an army of two-thousand men with just three-thousand riders without taking some serious casualties. So I sent a runner over to my honorable father in Fukuhara, and didn't want to take any chances, so I called for at least fifty thousand more riders. Overkill? Lets just say I didn't want another Yoshinori, if you catch my meaning.
Anyway, the riders should be arriving any time now, so I can finally kill these cowards. Maybe there will even be a warrior my equal in their camp somewhere, who knows?
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